What is SIEB?

As we climb each rung of the ladder, we witness the synchronous dance of support and challenge - the two vital components of scaffolding that facilitate success.

With the rising prevalence of weight stigma present in healthcare systems and disordered patterns of eating behaviours in societies, there is an urgent call to address these insidious forces and create platforms that offer antidotes.

Rhea Kishnani is the co-founder of SIEB. The Scaffold Institute of Eating Behaviours, is one of India’s first organisations that aims to raise awareness and psychoeducation in South Asian communities about the complexities of disordered eating / eating disorders. It provides sensitized training to healthcare professionals to offer quality care, and resources to communities to seek informed care.

SIEB offers the NEDHCP (Navigating Eating Disorders for Health Care Professionals) course in association with Academy of Eating Disorders (USA).

The course aims to provide psychoeducation and sensitise HCPs through a South-Asian lens. It provides the latest evidence on pertinent topics that contribute to and perpetuate EDs. To be able to identify red flags, symptomologies and provide appropriate guidance as first-person contact. Early diagnosis of EDs and prompt referral to ED specialists could enable faster recovery for the populations suffering with the same. ED-sensitised HCPs are the need of this hour in our healthcare. The NEDHCP course imparts practical information and clinical skills to HCPs that they could immediately start implementing after this course.

To learn more about SIEB: http://scaffoldinstitute.com/index.html

To register: https://portal.aedweb.org/Portal/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=NEDHCP


Rhea is also a co-author to a research publication in the Indian Journal Of Nutrition : India Lockdown: Relationship between Disordered Eating and Mental Health Concerns

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